Lesson11 - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)


Lesson11-4 NT Stage2 3rd Edition【岡ちゃん先生がていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#不定詞
教材: #NT ENGLISH SERIES#Third Edition Stage2#Lesson11#中高教材
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
N.T. SERIES Third Edition Stage2 Lesson11-4の解説動画です。

主に使役動詞make, have, letとhelpの用法、少しだけ知覚動詞についても紹介をしています。
一部、to を含んだ用法として get 人 to do の用法、類似表現も紹介しています。

使えるようになるだけでなく、長文中で 気づく ことができるようになりましょう。

My mother makes me eat fresh yogurt every morning.
My brother's joke made everyone laugh.
My father sometimes lets us stay up late.
Please let me know when you need any help.
My sister had the server bring another glass of water.
How did you get him to join your project?
I helped an elderly lady (to) carry her baggage.

Lesson11-3 NT Stage2 3rd Edition【岡ちゃん先生がていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(中学生)#英語(高校生)#英文法#中3英語#不定詞#不定詞(疑問詞+to,It~for to,ask(tell,want)O to,too~to,enough~to,not to)
教材: #NT ENGLISH SERIES#Third Edition Stage2#Lesson11#中高教材
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
too ~toV構文、so~that SV構文、~enough to V 構文の解説とそれぞれの間違いやすいポイントについて解説をしております。

①Betty was too shy to talk to the teacher.
②She was too nervous to ask a question.
③The teacher spoke too fast for her to understand.
④The homework was too difficult for her to finish in a day.
⑤This tea is so hot that I can't drink it.
⑥The traffic was so busy that I couldn't be in time for the class.
⑦My little brother is old enough to walk to our grandparents' house.
⑧I left home early enough to be in time for school.
⑨This bag isn't big enough for me to pack all the clothes I need for travel.