【アニメで英語】SPY×FAMILY 1話より「アーニャは...」 【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#272 】 - YouTube
*ネタバレ注意▽毎日リスニングの効果的な使い方・基本の動画https://youtu.be/EzdDKO9T24Q▽アニメを英語吹替で見る方法① https://youtu.be/2JbnTcDlQKs② https://youtu.b…
Who sent these thugs here? And why? I've gotta find her. Okay, calm down. Obviously, this location's been compromised. So first off, I need to secure somewhere safe. As for Anya, there are lots of other children out there. Just have to start over from square one.
Who sent these thugs here? And why? I've gotta find her. Okay, calm down. Obviously, this location's been compromised. So first off, I need to secure somewhere safe. As for Anya, there are lots of other children out there. Just have to start over from square one.
00:00 オープニング
00:37 聴き取り ノーヒント
01:40 聴き取り 穴埋め
02:28 解説 音声のポイント
06:16 解説 文法・表現
10:04 リピーティング用
10:45 シャドーイング用
11:47 エンディング
Who sent these thugs here? And why? I've gotta find her. Okay, calm down. Obviously, this location's been compromised. So first off, I need to secure somewhere safe. As for Anya, there are lots of other children out there. Just have to start over from square one.
Who sent these thugs here? And why? I've gotta find her. Okay, calm down. Obviously, this location's been compromised. So first off, I need to secure somewhere safe. As for Anya, there are lots of other children out there. Just have to start over from square one.