【アニメで英語】呪術廻戦 3話「私が私であるためだもの」釘崎野薔薇【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#265】 - YouTube
*ネタバレ注意▽毎日リスニングの効果的な使い方・基本の動画https://youtu.be/EzdDKO9T24Q▽アニメを英語吹替で見る方法① https://youtu.be/2JbnTcDlQKs② https://youtu.b…
Why did you come here to Jujutsu High?
- Why am I here? Because the countryside sucked!
- And I always wanted to live in Tokyo!
- This was the only way a poor girl like me could move to the city without worrying about money!
You'd risk your life to save a few bucks?
- I would. Since it means being true to myself.
Why did you come here to Jujutsu High?
- Why am I here? Because the countryside sucked!
- And I always wanted to live in Tokyo!
- This was the only way a poor girl like me could move to the city without worrying about money!
You'd risk your life to save a few bucks?
- I would. Since it means being true to myself.
00:00 オープニング
00:38 聴き取り ノーヒント
01:27 聴き取り 穴埋め
02:21 解説 音声のポイント
07:23 解説 文法・表現
12:23 リピーティング用
13:10 シャドーイング用
14:20 エンディング
Why did you come here to Jujutsu High?
- Why am I here? Because the countryside sucked!
- And I always wanted to live in Tokyo!
- This was the only way a poor girl like me could move to the city without worrying about money!
You'd risk your life to save a few bucks?
- I would. Since it means being true to myself.
Why did you come here to Jujutsu High?
- Why am I here? Because the countryside sucked!
- And I always wanted to live in Tokyo!
- This was the only way a poor girl like me could move to the city without worrying about money!
You'd risk your life to save a few bucks?
- I would. Since it means being true to myself.