詭弁に騙されるな!英語ディベートで気をつけるべき “Logical Fallacies” - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)

詭弁に騙されるな!英語ディベートで気をつけるべき “Logical Fallacies”


Ad Hominem(人身攻撃)
A: The most effective way to remember English vocabulary is through repetition.
B: That's not true. You have the lowest grades in your class! You don't know anything about memorizing vocabulary.

Straw Man(藁人形論法)
B: Most students do a lot of reading comprehension practice in their English classes, but I think they should spend more time practicing expressing their opinions in English.
A: So you're saying that students should just ignore reading comprehension and spend all their time just speaking English, but believe me, reading comprehension is important. Here's why.

Red Herring(燻製ニシンの虚偽)
A: So you said that just watching movies in English is the best way to improve your listening skills, even for beginners, but if they can't understand anything, how will they be able to learn effectively?
B: Well, have you seen the kind of English that schools teach? It's like "Hello. My name is Ken.
I like tennis very much. I want to be a tennis player in the future. What is your dream?". I mean, it's so unnatural! If we want to teach students natural English, we should definitely use movies.

【Red Herring】
司会者:Mr. President, your administration separated children from their parents at the border, at least 4000 kids...but the United States can't locate the parents of more than 500 children. So how will these families ever be reunited?
Mr. Trump :Children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels...We now have a stronger border as we've ever had. We're over 400 miles of brand new wall...

【Ad Hominem】
Mr. Biden: He can take advantage of the tax code... And I'm going to eliminate those tax cuts...
Mr. Trump: But why didn't you do it over the last 25 years?
Mr. Biden: Because you weren't president and screwing things up. You're the worst president America has ever had.

単元: #英語リスニング・スピーキング#リスニング
指導講師: 英語ファイル / eigophile

Ad Hominem(人身攻撃)
A: The most effective way to remember English vocabulary is through repetition.
B: That's not true. You have the lowest grades in your class! You don't know anything about memorizing vocabulary.

Straw Man(藁人形論法)
B: Most students do a lot of reading comprehension practice in their English classes, but I think they should spend more time practicing expressing their opinions in English.
A: So you're saying that students should just ignore reading comprehension and spend all their time just speaking English, but believe me, reading comprehension is important. Here's why.

Red Herring(燻製ニシンの虚偽)
A: So you said that just watching movies in English is the best way to improve your listening skills, even for beginners, but if they can't understand anything, how will they be able to learn effectively?
B: Well, have you seen the kind of English that schools teach? It's like "Hello. My name is Ken.
I like tennis very much. I want to be a tennis player in the future. What is your dream?". I mean, it's so unnatural! If we want to teach students natural English, we should definitely use movies.

【Red Herring】
司会者:Mr. President, your administration separated children from their parents at the border, at least 4000 kids...but the United States can't locate the parents of more than 500 children. So how will these families ever be reunited?
Mr. Trump :Children are brought here by coyotes and lots of bad people, cartels...We now have a stronger border as we've ever had. We're over 400 miles of brand new wall...

【Ad Hominem】
Mr. Biden: He can take advantage of the tax code... And I'm going to eliminate those tax cuts...
Mr. Trump: But why didn't you do it over the last 25 years?
Mr. Biden: Because you weren't president and screwing things up. You're the worst president America has ever had.



【FF7リメイクで英語】CHAPTER2−5 バレットvs新羅課長【大手予備校講師が解説するゲームの英語】【英語版比較】

単元: #英語リスニング・スピーキング#リスニング
指導講師: PHOTOGLISH/岡崎修平塾


単元: #英語(高校生)#英語リスニング・スピーキング#リスニング
指導講師: 英語ファイル / eigophile

And this is called spaced repetition. So anything you learn, you should review it immediately. And the best way of taking notes is using things like mindmaps so you have a mixture of pictures and words.

So review a lecture, whatever you're studying, immediately, then it stays in the memory for 24 hours.

You must review it again 24 hours later otherwise you have about an 80% fall-off over the next week.

If you review it the following day you got it for about a week, if you look at it after a week you got it for about 3 months.


単元: #英語リスニング・スピーキング#海外ドラマ・映画でリスニング#リスニング
指導講師: PHOTOGLISH/岡崎修平塾


1. will
The bomb will go off tomorrow.

2. be going to

The bomb is going to go off tomorrow.

3. 現在進行形

The bomb is going off tomorrow.

4. 現在形

The bomb goes off tomorrow.


【アニメで英語】鬼滅の刃 23話 甘露寺蜜璃・時透無一郎のセリフ【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【リアルな英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#184】

単元: #英語リスニング・スピーキング#リスニング#アニメで英語リスニング
指導講師: PHOTOGLISH/岡崎修平塾

【アニメで英語】SPY×FAMILY 3話「ちちとははイチャイチャ」アーニャ・ロイド・ヨル【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【リアルな英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#177】

単元: #英語リスニング・スピーキング#リスニング#アニメで英語リスニング
指導講師: PHOTOGLISH/岡崎修平塾