【ホロENで英語】がうる・ぐら さんの英語 3Dお披露目2【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#307】 - YouTube
*カバー株式会社の「切り抜き動画に関するガイドライン」を遵守して作成してます。切り抜きチャンネルの届け出を提出しています。▶元動画 【3D SHOWCASE】GURRRAAAAA 🐟 #…
Let's take a closer look at these plushies, shall we?Hmm, start with me.どうも〜サメです〜It's me, small Gura. Small and tiny. I can take Gura by the rump.Shake her. Shake her. Shake all her lunch money out.No, Gura, stop! What are you doing to me, Gura?Cute! Don't we look alike? Cheese. OK.
Let's take a closer look at these plushies, shall we?Hmm, start with me.どうも〜サメです〜It's me, small Gura. Small and tiny. I can take Gura by the rump.Shake her. Shake her. Shake all her lunch money out.No, Gura, stop! What are you doing to me, Gura?Cute! Don't we look alike? Cheese. OK.
00:00 オープニング
01:09 聴き取り ノーヒント
02:33 聴き取り 穴埋め
02:52 解説 音声のポイント
10:51 解説 文法・表現
15:50 リピーティング用
16:54 シャドーイング用
18:24 エンディング
Let's take a closer look at these plushies, shall we?Hmm, start with me.どうも〜サメです〜It's me, small Gura. Small and tiny. I can take Gura by the rump.Shake her. Shake her. Shake all her lunch money out.No, Gura, stop! What are you doing to me, Gura?Cute! Don't we look alike? Cheese. OK.
Let's take a closer look at these plushies, shall we?Hmm, start with me.どうも〜サメです〜It's me, small Gura. Small and tiny. I can take Gura by the rump.Shake her. Shake her. Shake all her lunch money out.No, Gura, stop! What are you doing to me, Gura?Cute! Don't we look alike? Cheese. OK.