【英語】Stage2 Lesson2 Read全訳 - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)

【英語】Stage2 Lesson2 Read全訳

❶What Is a "Non-Native Species"?
Non-native species are animals and plants from a different part of the world. They often create problems for the native animals and plants, or even take the place of other species. We usually think that all non-native species are harmful. But is this true?
❷How Does a Non-Native Species Arrive?
They usually arrive in new lands because of human activities. When we travel around the world, we sometimes carry species with us by accident. At other times, humans bring non-native species on purpose. They travel on our trains or ships far from their original homes. Now let's look at some examples of these non-native species.

・European rabbits in Australia
In 1859, an English settler brought 13 wild European rabbits into Australia because he wanted to hunt them for sport. However, some of the rabbits survived. After ten years, there were too many rabbits. They ate crops and many native plants. Other animals died because the rabbits ate all their food. There are now more than 200 million rabbits in Australia.
・Brown tree snakes in Guam
People brought brown tree snakes into Guam on ships by accident after World War Ⅱ. In just seventy years, the snakes ate most of the birds on the island. Nine of the eleven native forest birds in Guam disappeared completely.

❸Are All Non-Native Species Bad?
Scientists and governments around the world think that we should reduce the numbers of non-native species. But some of these non-native species actually help the lives of other species. On an island near Mauritius, the native giant tortoise died out. After that, many native plants on the island could not survive because they couldn't spread their seeds by themselves. The giant tortoise ate the fruit of the plants and spread the seeds in its feces. So at the beginning of the twenty-first century, scientists brought a non-native tortoise, the Aldabra tortoise, to the island. Now these tortoises are eating the fruit of the plants and spreading the seeds. Other non-native species can play similar roles in their new homes.

❹What's Important for the Environment?
Non-native species are often dangerous to other species. But in some cases, they play an important role in the new environment. Either way, we have to think as carefully as we can before we bring a species to a new environment. The impact of non-native species will be one of the greatest environmental problem of the twenty-first century. If we don't make the right choices today, the earth's natural environment will be in danger in the future.

0:00 オープニング
1:04 What we travel→When we travel
1:16 では、そのような外来種の例をいくつか挙げてみましょう。→ では、そのような外来種の例をいくつか見てみましょう。
1:22 1859年、あるイギリス人入植者が、野生のヨーロッパウサギをスポーツとして捕獲するため、13羽をオーストラリアに持ち込みました。→ 1859年、あるイギリス人入植者が、野生のヨーロッパウサギをスポーツとして捕獲したかったため、13羽(匹)をオーストラリアに持ち込みました。
2:32 訳の最初に「今では」を付け加えてください。

単元: #英語(中学生)#中1英語#This is~. That is~. What is~? の文(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
❶What Is a "Non-Native Species"?
Non-native species are animals and plants from a different part of the world. They often create problems for the native animals and plants, or even take the place of other species. We usually think that all non-native species are harmful. But is this true?
❷How Does a Non-Native Species Arrive?
They usually arrive in new lands because of human activities. When we travel around the world, we sometimes carry species with us by accident. At other times, humans bring non-native species on purpose. They travel on our trains or ships far from their original homes. Now let's look at some examples of these non-native species.

・European rabbits in Australia
In 1859, an English settler brought 13 wild European rabbits into Australia because he wanted to hunt them for sport. However, some of the rabbits survived. After ten years, there were too many rabbits. They ate crops and many native plants. Other animals died because the rabbits ate all their food. There are now more than 200 million rabbits in Australia.
・Brown tree snakes in Guam
People brought brown tree snakes into Guam on ships by accident after World War Ⅱ. In just seventy years, the snakes ate most of the birds on the island. Nine of the eleven native forest birds in Guam disappeared completely.

❸Are All Non-Native Species Bad?
Scientists and governments around the world think that we should reduce the numbers of non-native species. But some of these non-native species actually help the lives of other species. On an island near Mauritius, the native giant tortoise died out. After that, many native plants on the island could not survive because they couldn't spread their seeds by themselves. The giant tortoise ate the fruit of the plants and spread the seeds in its feces. So at the beginning of the twenty-first century, scientists brought a non-native tortoise, the Aldabra tortoise, to the island. Now these tortoises are eating the fruit of the plants and spreading the seeds. Other non-native species can play similar roles in their new homes.

❹What's Important for the Environment?
Non-native species are often dangerous to other species. But in some cases, they play an important role in the new environment. Either way, we have to think as carefully as we can before we bring a species to a new environment. The impact of non-native species will be one of the greatest environmental problem of the twenty-first century. If we don't make the right choices today, the earth's natural environment will be in danger in the future.


Lesson5-3 NT Stage1 3rd Edition【YAKISOBA先生がていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(中学生)#中1英語#Where、Which、Howで始まる疑問文
教材: #NT ENGLISH SERIES#Third Edition Stage1#Lesson5#中高教材
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
New TreasureのLesson5-3の解説です。

Lesson1-1 NT Stage3 3rd Edition【ダスカロイがていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(中学生)#中1英語#中2英語#中3英語#現在進行形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#規則動詞の過去形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#不規則動詞の過去形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#be動詞の過去形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#過去進行形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#未来の文(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#現在完了(継続、経験、完了・結果)
教材: #NT ENGLISH SERIES#中高教材#Third Edition Stage3#Lesson1
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
ニュートレジャー Third Edition Stage3 Lesson1-1のKeyPoint例文解説です。

① We have mathematics in the second period on Mondays.
② Japan is a country surrounded by the sea.
③ We leave for Kyoto on the school trip next October.
④ John and I had lunch at the cafeteria yesterday.
⑤ I am doing research for the next social studies class.
⑥ My brother is taking important examinations next week.
⑦ I will study geography and physics in high school.
⑧ Thomas has already left for school.
⑨ Has he ever been to Canada? –Yes, he has. / No, he hasn’t.
⑩ He has been waiting for a taxi for twenty minutes.
⑪ How long has he been working as a pharmacist?

Lesson1-2 ② NT Stage2 3rd Edition【しまだじろうがていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(中学生)#英語(高校生)#英文法#品詞と文型、句と節#中1英語#中2英語#接続詞#形容詞・副詞#形容詞・副詞#接続詞(and,or,but,so・when,if,because,before,after・接続詞that)#文型(第1文型、第2文型、第3文型、第4文型、第5文型)
教材: #NT ENGLISH SERIES#Third Edition Stage2#Lesson1#中高教材
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
多くの中高一貫校で採用されている中2用英語教材の3rd editionの解説動画です。

【英語】代名詞:this thatの違い

単元: #英語(中学生)#英語(高校生)#英文法#中1英語#名詞・冠詞・代名詞#This is~. That is~. What is~? の文(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
代名詞:this thatの違いに関して解説していきます.

Lesson1-2 ニュートレジャー Stage1 3rd Edition【岡ちゃん先生がていねいに解説】

単元: #英語(中学生)#中1英語#中2英語#This is~. That is~. What is~? の文(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)#be動詞の過去形(肯定文・否定文・疑問文)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
this that の文、使い方に関して解説していきます.