【アニメで英語】呪術廻戦 27話より「私たちは最強なんだ」五条悟・夏油傑 【ネイティブ英語が聞き取れる】【英文法・英会話】【毎日リスニング#268】 - YouTube
*ネタバレ注意▽毎日リスニングの効果的な使い方・基本の動画https://youtu.be/EzdDKO9T24Q▽アニメを英語吹替で見る方法① https://youtu.be/2JbnTcDlQKs② https://youtu.b…
Sure about that? Well, if you decide that on your own, it might mean you have to fight Tengen.
- Oh what, you scared? It'll be fine. It'll all work out somehow.
We're the strongest students at Jujutsu High school.
So no matter what decision you make, Satoru and I will guarantee your future.
Sure about that? Well, if you decide that on your own, it might mean you have to fight Tengen.
- Oh what, you scared? It'll be fine. It'll all work out somehow.
We're the strongest students at Jujutsu High school.
So no matter what decision you make, Satoru and I will guarantee your future.
00:00 オープニング
00:37 聴き取り ノーヒント
01:30 聴き取り 穴埋め
02:23 解説 音声のポイント
06:13 解説 文法・表現
09:41 リピーティング用
10:26 シャドーイング用
11:35 エンディング
Sure about that? Well, if you decide that on your own, it might mean you have to fight Tengen.
- Oh what, you scared? It'll be fine. It'll all work out somehow.
We're the strongest students at Jujutsu High school.
So no matter what decision you make, Satoru and I will guarantee your future.
Sure about that? Well, if you decide that on your own, it might mean you have to fight Tengen.
- Oh what, you scared? It'll be fine. It'll all work out somehow.
We're the strongest students at Jujutsu High school.
So no matter what decision you make, Satoru and I will guarantee your future.