【早慶レベル】関西外国語大学の編入試験の英語【藤川天は戦えるのか】 - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)



17. Major sanctions on the country will be lifted as part of an agreement with the EU.
a. removed
b. ruled
c. collected
d. postponed

18. He is the most assiduous and dedicated student in the college.
a. gifted
b. imprudent
c. creative
d. diligent

19. It is a widely held fallacy that price always indicates quality.
a. technique
b. misconception
c. sense
d. anticipation

20. The big star inadvertently stepped into a political controversy.
a. formally
b. intentionally
c. accidentally
d. implicitly

21. The WHO has claimed that air pollution is one of the most pernicious threats to health in the world.
a. inquisitive
b. urgent
c. harmful
d. imposing

22. Most people say that they will abide by self-isolation rules if they test positive for the virus.
a. follow
b. ignore
c. bid
d. smear

23. People were opposed to the plan to tear down the historic building and build a new shopping mall.
a. mount
b. reinstate
c. mend
d. demolish

24. This is the high-end model of this computer series.
a. most critical
b. most widespread
c. most crucial
d. highest quality

27. The war was caused by animosity between the different ethnic groups.
a. affection
b. hostility
c. contribution
d. a sense of duty

28. Many disparities exist in the world, particularly in health.
a. solutions
b. discussions
c. qualities
d. inequalities
単元: #英語(高校生)#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel

17. Major sanctions on the country will be lifted as part of an agreement with the EU.
a. removed
b. ruled
c. collected
d. postponed

18. He is the most assiduous and dedicated student in the college.
a. gifted
b. imprudent
c. creative
d. diligent

19. It is a widely held fallacy that price always indicates quality.
a. technique
b. misconception
c. sense
d. anticipation

20. The big star inadvertently stepped into a political controversy.
a. formally
b. intentionally
c. accidentally
d. implicitly

21. The WHO has claimed that air pollution is one of the most pernicious threats to health in the world.
a. inquisitive
b. urgent
c. harmful
d. imposing

22. Most people say that they will abide by self-isolation rules if they test positive for the virus.
a. follow
b. ignore
c. bid
d. smear

23. People were opposed to the plan to tear down the historic building and build a new shopping mall.
a. mount
b. reinstate
c. mend
d. demolish

24. This is the high-end model of this computer series.
a. most critical
b. most widespread
c. most crucial
d. highest quality

27. The war was caused by animosity between the different ethnic groups.
a. affection
b. hostility
c. contribution
d. a sense of duty

28. Many disparities exist in the world, particularly in health.
a. solutions
b. discussions
c. qualities
d. inequalities



単元: #英語(中学生)#英語(高校生)#英文法#英文解釈#中1英語#中2英語#接続詞#前置詞#時刻の表し方とたずね方、曜日・日付のたずね方、When~?、「時」を表す前置詞#接続詞(and,or,but,so・when,if,because,before,after・接続詞that)#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル

I drove through the morning, before taking a break at a boat-launch site where I brought out a piece of my cinnamon bread to feed a lone seagull I saw.


単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)#関西学院大学
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel

(1) Dan stayed up all night to get his work done. So ( )I.
a. were b. was c. had d. did

(2) He told me that I should complete the application form a week in ( ) of the due date.
a. early b. advance c. front d. before

(3) ( ) he acted more sincerely, she might not have gotten upset.
a. Having had b. Were c. Had d. Had been

(4) We'd better ( ) over these documents to check that there are no mistakes.
a. gone b. go c. going  d. to go

(5) ( )for the scholarship, I wouldn't be here at Cambridge to study English.
a. But b. Within c. Unless d. Without

(6) Most of the items on this shelf are items ( ) I cannot do without.
a. how b. what c. that d. those

(7) I wish I had written to her. ( ) it is, I will have to apologize for my long silence.
a. For b. Since c. About d. As

(8) He tried to ( ) me that staying home was the only way to keep out of trouble.
a. convince b. explain c. propose d. say

(9) We will serve a variety of local dishes. Please come to the table and ( ) yourselves.
a. help b. give c. hand d. keep

(10) He is very positive in the way that he makes the ( ) of his failures.
a. biggest b. most c. highest d. largest


単元: #英語(高校生)#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel

⑴ It rained ( ) three days without stopping.
ア) during
イ) for
ウ) since
エ) while

⑶ Sheryl ( ) him that she could not attend the meeting.
ア) described
イ) explained
ウ) suggested
エ) told

⑹ ( ) difficult the decisions might be, I will not let our country go down.
ア) However
イ) No matter
ウ) What if
エ) Whatever


単元: #英語(高校生)#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)#早稲田大学
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel



単元: #英語(高校生)#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)#関西大学
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel
D.sleeping in a freezing room
→B. sleep in thick furs or sleeping bags