時・条件の副詞節【時制①】即効英文法第1講 - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)


If it ( ) raining soon, shall we go out for a walk?
① stopped
② stops
③ will stop
④ would stop

Please let me know when John arrives.
Please let me know when John will arrive.

Ms. Bell is stuck in a traffic jam. The important meeting will have finished by the time she ( ).
① arrives
② may arrive
③ will arrive
④ will have arrived

I'll return Tomoko's book to her the next time I ( ) her.
① will see
② saw
③ see
④ have seen

I'll keep your room in order until you ( ) back.
1. come
2. would come
3. came
4. coming

We'll give you a call as soon as we ( ) at the airport.
① arrive
② arrived
③ were arriving
④ will arrive
単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#品詞と文型、句と節
指導講師: ユーテラ授業チャンネル【YouTubeの寺子屋】
If it ( ) raining soon, shall we go out for a walk?
① stopped
② stops
③ will stop
④ would stop

Please let me know when John arrives.
Please let me know when John will arrive.

Ms. Bell is stuck in a traffic jam. The important meeting will have finished by the time she ( ).
① arrives
② may arrive
③ will arrive
④ will have arrived

I'll return Tomoko's book to her the next time I ( ) her.
① will see
② saw
③ see
④ have seen

I'll keep your room in order until you ( ) back.
1. come
2. would come
3. came
4. coming

We'll give you a call as soon as we ( ) at the airport.
① arrive
② arrived
③ were arriving
④ will arrive


【高校英語】時制⑤~現在完了形~ 2-5【英文法】

単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#時制
指導講師: 【楽しい授業動画】あきとんとん
( )内を埋めてください

(1) John and Mary ( ) each other since 1976.
① have been knowing
② have known
③ were knowing
④ were known

(2) 空港まで友達を見送りに行ってきたところです。
I have just( ) to the airport to see my friends off.

【高校英語】助動詞⑥~その他の助動詞・基礎~ 3-6【英文法】

単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#助動詞
指導講師: 【楽しい授業動画】あきとんとん
( )内を埋めてください

(1) Akitonton is not the cheerful man he ( ).
① is
② is used to
③ used to be
④ would be

(2) 田舎に住んでいた頃は、早起きには慣れていた。
While I was living in the country, I ( ) early in the morning.
① used to getting up
② was used to get up
③ was used to getting up
④ used to have got up


単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#時制
指導講師: ユーテラ授業チャンネル【YouTubeの寺子屋】
武田塾English Director
国連英検特A級、英検1級、Cambridge CPE、単検1級取得。
TOEFL iBT115点 、IELTS 8.0



単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#時制
指導講師: ユーテラ授業チャンネル【YouTubeの寺子屋】
The Earth has been around for approximately 4.5 billion years.

The train ( ) when I reached the platform, so I didn't have to wait in the cold.
① had already arrived
② has already arrived
③ previously arrived
④ previously arrives

He asked me what I ( ) studied in the morning.
① did
② had
③ have
④ was

Naomi ( ) reading the Bible before everyone else was only halfway through.
(1) had finished
(2) have finished
(3) has finished
(4) will finish

It's our wedding anniversary next Tuesday, and by then we ( ) married for ten years.
① are
② will have
③ will have been
④ would have

I heard you ( ) haven't finished your report. The teacher is going to be very angry.
① already
② so far
③ still
④ yet


単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#時制
指導講師: ユーテラ授業チャンネル【YouTubeの寺子屋】
Saki, why don't you take some time off?
You ( ) too much lately.
① would work
② had worked
③ should have worked
④ have been working

Ever since they first met at the sports festival, Pat and Pam (  ) each other.
① are emailing
② emailed
③ have been emailing
④ will email

Nicole ( ) novels for about seven years when she won the national novel contest.
① had been writing
② has been writing
③ has written
④ is writing

We ( ) playing baseball for about half an hour when it started to rain very heavily.
① had been
② have been
③ might be
④ would be

I wonder if Stella has lost my number. ( ) her call for the last two hours.
① I'd expected
② I'll have expected
③ I'm expecting
④ I've been expecting