A: I hope my job interview goes well tomorrow. I'm a little nervous.
B: Be sure to ( ) them about your experience as a hospital volunteer.
A: That's a good idea. I will.
㋐explain ㋑say ㋒teach ㋓tell
A: Do you know whether Steve is somewhere around the office? I need his signature.
B: I know he's ( ) to the bank. So, he must be around here somewhere.
A: Okay. I'll keep looking.
㋐been ㋑gone ㋒returned ㋓went
A: Can you clean up the kitchen for me? I have to leave for a meeting at the children's school.
B: Sure. I'll do it right after I take out the frash.
A: Thanks. Just be sure to ( ) the glasses before putting them in the dishwasher. Okay?
㋐drip ㋑empty ㋒pour ㋓spill
A: I can't wait for next week's field trip. II's going to be so fun!
B: We are ( ) to turn in our permission slips on Thursday.
A: Right. I'd better ask my mom to sign it tonight so I don't forget.
㋐suppose ㋑supposed ㋒supposing ㋓to suppose