文整序問題対策講座①【文挿入問題も段落整序もこれで倒せ】 - 質問解決D.B.(データベース)


次の問いにおいて、文章中の(  )に入れるべき文が三つ、順不同で下のA~Cに示されている。

Throat microphones, which pick up the vibrations of normal
speech directly through the skin rather than through the air,
are useful in extremely noisy situations such as when
motorcycle messengers on the freeway must communicate
with their headquarters. (   ) For now at least, our private
thoughts are safe.

A. While some people worry that a system like this will be able to read
our minds, in its current stage it can only understand a few simple words.

B. The system is sensitive enough to pick up the "inner speech" we use
when we are silently reading or thinking.

C. Now NASA scientists have developed a more advanced system than
throat microphones.

For now at least, our private thoughts are safe.

1. (A)→(B)→(C)
2. (A)→(C)→(D)
3. (B)→(A)→(C)
4. (B)→(C)→(A)
5. (C)→(A)→(B)
6. (C)→(B)→(A)

Gorillas are social animals with many similarities to humans. When
threatened, a male leader may attempt to protect his group
through aggressive displays which.commonly involve chest-beating
or short rushes toward the danger. (   ) Although watching TV or
videos is sometimes said to be harmful to human beings, the
keepers think that this plan might make gorillas "think more about life."

A. In zoos this shyness sometimes develops into inactivity or depression.

B. Some zookeepers in Russia therefore have come up with a plan to give
gorillas a broader experience of life by showing them wildlife videos.

C. However, studies indicate that gorillas are normally quiet, even shy,
animals that live in stable family groups.

...the keepers think that this plan might make gorillas "think more about life."

1. (A)→(B)→(C)
2. (A)→(C)→(B)
3. (B)→(A)→(C)
4. (B)→(C)→(A)
5. (C)→(A)→(B)
6. (C)→(B)→(A)
単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法
指導講師: ユーテラ授業チャンネル【YouTubeの寺子屋】
次の問いにおいて、文章中の(  )に入れるべき文が三つ、順不同で下のA~Cに示されている。

Throat microphones, which pick up the vibrations of normal
speech directly through the skin rather than through the air,
are useful in extremely noisy situations such as when
motorcycle messengers on the freeway must communicate
with their headquarters. (   ) For now at least, our private
thoughts are safe.

A. While some people worry that a system like this will be able to read
our minds, in its current stage it can only understand a few simple words.

B. The system is sensitive enough to pick up the "inner speech" we use
when we are silently reading or thinking.

C. Now NASA scientists have developed a more advanced system than
throat microphones.

For now at least, our private thoughts are safe.

1. (A)→(B)→(C)
2. (A)→(C)→(D)
3. (B)→(A)→(C)
4. (B)→(C)→(A)
5. (C)→(A)→(B)
6. (C)→(B)→(A)

Gorillas are social animals with many similarities to humans. When
threatened, a male leader may attempt to protect his group
through aggressive displays which.commonly involve chest-beating
or short rushes toward the danger. (   ) Although watching TV or
videos is sometimes said to be harmful to human beings, the
keepers think that this plan might make gorillas "think more about life."

A. In zoos this shyness sometimes develops into inactivity or depression.

B. Some zookeepers in Russia therefore have come up with a plan to give
gorillas a broader experience of life by showing them wildlife videos.

C. However, studies indicate that gorillas are normally quiet, even shy,
animals that live in stable family groups.

...the keepers think that this plan might make gorillas "think more about life."

1. (A)→(B)→(C)
2. (A)→(C)→(B)
3. (B)→(A)→(C)
4. (B)→(C)→(A)
5. (C)→(A)→(B)
6. (C)→(B)→(A)



単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#仮定法
指導講師: 【楽しい授業動画】あきとんとん
仮定法 仮定法過去,仮定法過去完了についての説明動画です


単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#不定詞
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル

ネイティブが間違う英文法 the +比較級 #shorts

単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法
指導講師: Morite2 English Channel

He is the (old) of the two brothers.

【話法シリーズ③】 自由間接話法(描出話法)

単元: #英語(高校生)#英文法#話法の転換#大学入試過去問(英語)#学校別大学入試過去問解説(英語)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル
John, now in his second year at college, was home for the spring vacation, and his mother took the opportunity of having a serious talk with him. Did he know where he wanted to live? John was not sure. Did he know what he wanted to do? He was equally uncertain, but when pressed remarked that he should prefer to be quite free of any profession. She was not shocked, but went on sewing for a few minutes.(1989年 東大)


単元: #英語(中学生)#英語(高校生)#英文法#品詞と文型、句と節#中1英語#中3英語#分詞・分詞構文#関係代名詞・関係副詞・複合関係詞#形容詞・副詞#前置詞#形容詞・副詞#分詞(現在分詞の形容詞的用法、過去分詞の形容詞的用法)
指導講師: 理数個別チャンネル